xHP - Possible issues before / during the flash

xHP - Possible issues before / during the flash

I cannot use the Google / Facebook login to log in to the xHP App.

If you do not see all the login methods available on your device, please ensure that you are not using any type of content or ad blockers such as Pi-hole, 1Blocker or Blockbear.

These can be used on the device you want to flash with or on the home network your device is connected to. Ad blockers like these can block Google or Facebook domains among others, which are needed if you want to use them as a login method with xHP Flashtool.


Example of blocked “Social Logins”


I cannot connect to my car.

Make sure you have the correct hardware for your car by checking our Connect Diagram!
Some adapter/phone combinations require some setup to work. Please refer to the Supported Hardware section for more information.
Also, make sure you follow the instructions on “How to connect to your car".

I need help. Something went wrong during the flash!

Please follow the instructions in “How to flash your car” carefully and try again.
If you are flashing using a Wi-Fi adapter, make sure that cellular data and Bluetooth are switched OFF!

If you are using the Wi-Fi adapters and are still having problems, please make sure that your device is ignoring all other Wi-Fi sources so that it does not change Wi-Fi in the middle of a flash and that all other devices are ignoring the THOR/MHD Wi-Fi so that they do not interfere. Please check the relevant Wi-Fi settings.

Are any of the following items installed?

  • Any piggyback ECU, like a JB4

  • Port Injection Controllers

  • Throttle pedal tuning boxes

  • Aftermarket CarPlay Units

  • Android Radios

  • RGB Angles eyes or other Aftermarket Headlights

  • any performance displays (like Awron)

  • sport-exhaust with sound control installed in the car

  • aftermarket HUD (head-up displays)

  • CAN Anti Theft security systems, like the "Ghost Immobiliser"

  • Anything else aftermarket connected to the CAN-Bus (like mileage manipulation devices)

These are connected to the CAN and can interfere with communication to the point where it is impossible to flash the car. Please make sure they are in their dedicated service mode for flashing. If they do not have such a mode, or if it still does not work, please unplug them or pull their fuse for the duration of the flash.

If you still have problems after doing all of the above, use the "Send Logs" feature within the app and contact us at support@xautomotive.com with your VIN!

I have problems flashing my DKG-F series car.

In rare cases, ARM 32Bit processors on older phones can have problems with checksum correction, so if you cannot flash your car, we recommend using a 64Bit Android device or one of the other platforms we support: Supported Hardware.

Back to the xHP Flashtool - FAQ - Overview Page.

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