xHP Flashtool - Flash Settings - Customize your transmission

xHP Flashtool - Flash Settings - Customize your transmission


About the Flash Settings

Flash Settings offer many functions to change the transmission's behaviour to your liking! All functions work with your factory calibration and our OTS maps! You can change the shift maps for D- and S-mode, adjust the shift speeds or firmness for each shift (where available) or even adjust your car's launch control! You can also share your settings on social media or import settings from other users with our import/export feature!

The Flash Settings offer two types of functions: Absolute and relative.
Absolute functions are those where you set a fixed parameter applied to each flashed file. For example, you could set a torque limit of 500 Nm in 1st gear. This limiter will then be applied to every map you flash, whether it is your factory calibration, an OTS map or a custom file you have created. Every map will apply this limiter, regardless of what value was written in the base file.

Relative functions work slightly differently, as you can apply a delta to the flashed map. The Shiftmap Editor is a relative function where xHP reads the corresponding values from each flashed map and changes them according to your settings. This makes it easy to adjust complex things like shift maps.
Instead of worrying about what absolute value to set for a given shift (e.g. 1-2 in D-mode) at a given throttle/RPM position, you apply a percentage delta to the base settings already stored in the map.

Each relative function is configured using simple sliders that allow you to set a positive or negative percentage for a given parameter. For example, if you want your 2-3 shift to occur earlier, set a negative value (e.g., 15%) for that shift, and xHP will apply -15% to the entire map for the 2-3 shift.

This is always done within certain limits and is automatically adjusted so that the actual values applied to the map still make sense. The same principle applies to all functions where you can set a positive or negative percentage in xHP.

This chapter explains each “flash setting” available separately for 6-speed, 7-speed E-Series, 7-speed F-Series or 8-speed transmissions! Most functions are available for all models, but some may not be available for certain cars due to technical restrictions.

To see what Flash settings your specific car can support, connect the app to your car and click on it. Then click on “FLASH THIS CAR” and then on “Edit” right next to “Flash Settings”.

This can be done without purchasing a licence.

Flash settings menu
Shiftmap Editor
Torque limit per gear

Import/Export Function

You can quickly export your current custom settings by pressing the "three white dots" in the top right corner of the Customisation module. The settings can be saved in a file on your phone or shared with other xHP users.
You can also easily import the settings of any other xHP user into your car in seconds.

Compatibility between transmission types is limited. 6-speed settings can only be imported to other 6-speed cars, 8-speed to 8-speed and 7-speed to 7-speed.

Some settings from 7-speed F-series cars are incompatible with 7-speed E-series cars and will be invalid, but the import will generally still work.

Please note that the Customisation module has many "relative" settings. For example, importing shift map settings from a 550i to a 320d makes little sense. The application will change the maps in the 320d accordingly, but these will not result in the same shift maps as in the 550i.

Sub-menu for Import & Export
Decide what to import
Then it should look like this

The individual Flash Settings for 6HP / 7-DCT / 8HP cars

For more detailed information on the individual custom options supported by your specific transmission type, please follow these links:

Back to the Overview Page.

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