xDelete - How to flash your car

xDelete - How to flash your car

Connecting to your vehicle

Once you have downloaded xDelete to your Android or iOS device and purchased the necessary additional hardware, you can connect it to your vehicle. xDelete requires the correct adapter for both your device and your vehicle. This section explains the possible combinations.
A graphical overview can be found HERE.

Preparing device


  • Make sure your device has at least 25% battery capacity left.

  • Set your device to airplane mode. Bluetooth and 4G/cellular must be turned off. Especially if you are flashing over a Wi-Fi connection. (more stable connection)

  • Cable connection: Make sure you give xDelete the necessary rights to access your device's local USB/Lightning port.

  • Once a flash has started, leave your device alone. Do not move or touch it.

Preparing vehicle

  • Do not open or close any doors during the process. If you wish to stay outside during the process, open the side window and operate your unit outside the vehicle.

  • The ignition must be switched ON, and the engine must be switched OFF.

  • Make sure your gearbox is in the 'P' position.

  • Switch off ALL auxiliary equipment: Headlights, interior lights, heating, heated seats, radio, NavScreen, etc.

  • Fasten the driver's seatbelt before starting the flash!
    Do not release the seatbelt until the process is complete!
    (this will keep the ignition ON)

  • Set your device to Flight mode. (only Wi-Fi ON)
    Incoming calls via Bluetooth will disturb the Android device and, thereby, the flash.

  • Make sure you’re only flashing with a good, healthy battery. xDelete will refuse to start a flash operation below a certain voltage level.





The car can draw up to 30 amps during the flash, so we recommend a power supply capable of at least 30 amps @ 13.8V. (e.g. Maas SPS-30). The power supply must be connected to the terminals in the engine compartment.
DO NOT connect directly to the vehicle battery. A normal battery tender or charger will not help to stabilise the voltage during the process. It can only help to recharge the battery.

The very first flash on your car will "install" xDelete on your car. This process takes about 5 minutes with DCAN. We recommend using a power supply for the first flash.

After the installation, the following flashes will take no more than about 2 minutes. These flashes can be performed without a charger, but you do not want to see voltage levels below 12V when starting a flash.

It is NOT possible to flash any ECU in the car while the engine is running.

If you have installed any piggyback ECU solutions that interfere with the CAN-BUS (such as a JB4), be sure to turn them OFF. Also problematic can be

  • Throttle pedal tuning-boxes

  • Port-Injection or Flex-Fuel Controllers

  • any performance displays (such as Awron)

  • Sport exhausts with sound control installed in the car

  • Aftermarket Android head-units or CarPlay units

  • RGB angel-eyes or other Aftermarket Headlights

  • Aftermarket HUDs (head-up displays)

  • CAN-blocking Anti Theft security systems, like the "Ghost Immobiliser"

  • Anything else aftermarket connected to the CAN-Bus (like mileage manipulation devices)

In some cases, you may need to remove them entirely from the vehicle first. We recommend that you do this before using xHP!

Connecting through DCAN Cable (E-Series ONLY)


This section only applies to E-series cars. DCAN cables can only be used with Android devices and E-series cars.

  • Plug the cable into the OBD port of your car. The OBD port is located in the driver's footwell on the left-hand side.

  • Connect the OBD/DCAN cable to your USB OTG adapter (these are generic adapters needed to connect USB devices on Android) and Android devices.

  • Unlock your device and wait for the USB permission screen to appear. On this screen, make sure you're giving xDelete permanent access. The screen will only appear on some Android versions after xDelete has been launched. Wait a few seconds after connecting the USB OTG cable.

  • Launch xDelete and click the “Connect new car” button at the bottom.

  • The first time the car is connected, xDelete will automatically save its data to your device. You are now ready to redeem your voucher code. (Active Internet required)

  • After redeeming your voucher code, you can continue to select your desired xDrive setting and click on „Flash Now".

During the flash, error messages will appear in the car. This is completely normal. These will disappear after the flash.

If some fault codes remain after the flash, you can go to “More” in the bottom menu and read and clear the fault codes this way.
Please note that some faults can only be cleared after the car has gone into full sleep. (The ignition is switched off, and the car is locked for at least 20 seconds).

Some fault codes may require the car to be driven for some time before they clear themselves, e.g. cars with Active Body Control, while others require the car to go into complete sleep.
(Ignition switched off and car locked for at least 20 seconds)

There is no support for F- or G-Series cars with this adapter.

Connecting via THOR / MHD / xHP Flashtool DCAN Wi-Fi Adapter (E-Series & G-Series)

ANDROID IOS E-Series G-Series

This section only applies to the orange MHD Wi-Fi adapter, pink Thor Wi-Fi adaptor or blue xHP Flashtool adapter in combination with E-series vehicles.
For F-Series vehicles, please refer to the ENET cable or ENET WiFi sections below.

Most Android devices prefer Wi-Fi connections to 4G/LTE. Once you connect to the Wi-Fi network created by the THOR or MHD Wi-Fi adapter, you will no longer be able to access the Internet, even if the cellular network is still active. Therefore, the initial unlocking of the vehicle requires a special procedure when using the THOR or orange MHD Wi-Fi adapter:

  • Open the xDelete App: Start with the Internet, i.e. not connected to the Wi-Fi adapter. This only applies to the very first start.
    It's not needed after that.

  • Plug the Wi-Fi adapter into the OBD port and wait 10-20 seconds. Then, connect to the Wi-Fi created on your vehicle.

  • Launch xDelete and click the “Connect new car” button at the bottom.

  • Once the vehicle has been saved, you need an active internet connection to redeem a licence. Please disconnect from Thor/MHD WIFI before redeeming and reconnect afterwards.

  • After redeeming your voucher code, you can continue to select your desired xDrive setting and click on „Flash Now".

During the flash, error messages will appear in the car. This is completely normal. These will disappear after the flash.

If some fault codes remain after the flash, you can go to “More” in the bottom menu and read and clear the fault codes this way.
Please note that some faults can only be cleared after the car has gone into full sleep. (The ignition is switched off, and the car is locked for at least 20 seconds).

Some fault codes may require the car to be driven for some time before they clear themselves, e.g. cars with Active Body Control, while others require the car to go into complete sleep.
(Ignition switched off and car locked for at least 20 seconds)

There is no support for F-Series cars with this adapter.

Setup requirements on iOS

IOS only

Go to WiFi settings and select the WiFi adapter network. Open Network settings and change the options as follows:



  • Click: “Configure IP” - Manual

  • IP address:

  • Subnet Mask:

  • Router: Leave the field empty

  • Click “save

Local network settings on iOS 14 or higher
Make sure to have your local network settings turned ON.

iPhone -> Settings -> xDelete -> Local network -> ON

iOS 14 and earlier: You can set the Wi-Fi to remain connected to the internet, even if you are connected to the Wi-Fi adapter.

iOS 15 and later: These IP settings have to be set, otherwise the iOS device will not find the Wi-Fi adapter.

There is no support for F-Series cars with this adapter.

5 or 6-Series E6x Vehicles with Active Body Control may need to be driven for some time until ABC-related fault codes clear.

Connecting with ENET cable (F-Series & G-Series)


Android users must configure the Ethernet port after connecting the ENET adapter to their devices. Please open the settings on your device. The procedure may be slightly different depending on your version of Android. The screenshots are taken from a Galaxy S9 phone running Android 9.

You only need to do this the first time you connect. Your phone will remember these settings for subsequent connections. You may need to reconnect after saving the settings so they take effect.

Only Android devices that can set a static IP can use an ENET cable connection. If your Android does not offer this option, you will not be able to connect via ENET cable.
Use a black MHD WiFi or a red MHD UNI adapter instead. (they have a built-in DHCP server)

  • Open the xDelete App: Start with an active Internet connection, i.e., one that is not connected to the ENET cable.
    This only applies to the very first start of xDelete. Not needed afterwards.

  • Plug your ENET connector into the OBD port and wait 10-20 seconds. The OBD port is located on the left-hand side of the driver's footwell. Please give xDelete permanent access rights when you first start the app.
    The screen will not appear on some Android versions until the xDelete app has been launched.

  • Launch xDelete and click the “Connect new car” button at the bottom.

  • When the vehicle is connected for the first time, xDelete will automatically save its data to your device.

  • Once the vehicle has been saved, you need an active internet connection to redeem a licence. Please disconnect the ENET cable before redeeming it and reconnecting it afterwards.

  • After redeeming your voucher code, you can continue to select your desired xDrive setting and click on „Flash Now".

During the flash, error messages will appear in the car. This is normal. These will be cleared after the flash.

If some fault codes remain after the flash, you can go to “More” in the bottom menu and read and clear the fault codes this way.
Please note that some faults can only be cleared after the car has gone into full sleep. (The ignition is switched off, and the car is locked for at least 20 seconds).

Some fault codes may require the car to be driven for some time before they clear themselves, while others require the car to go into complete sleep.
(Ignition switched off and car locked for at least 20 seconds)

There is no support for E- Series cars with this adapter.

Setup requirements on Android

Android 11 and newer

Make sure you have the latest Android version installed. To connect to your car using a wired Ethernet connection, you must enable Ethernet Tethering - a new option introduced with Android 11. To enable Ethernet Tethering, please follow these steps:

  • Connect your ENET cable to your Android 11 device (use a suitable adapter)

  • Go to Settings → Connections → Mobile Hotspot and Tethering → Enable Ethernet Tethering.

Sometimes Android does not automatically save or reset/disable Ethernet Tethering. Make sure this option is enabled if you're having trouble connecting.

Should you not be able to connect with the car, try alternatively to use the following settings:

  • IP address:

  • Netmask:

  • DNS address: instead of

  • Default Gateway: instead of

Android 10 and older

On Android, you must configure a static IP address:

Connect the cable & press OK

… open Connections, …

… more connection settings”…

… then “Configure” …

… open “Ethernet”…

… and set the below settings

Setup requirements on iOS

IOS only

Go to the Ethernet settings (only appears if a Lightning-Ethernet adapter is connected), select the USB 100/100 LAN interface, and change the settings to those shown on the right:



  • Click: “Configure IP” - Manual

  • IP address:

  • Subnet Mask:

  • Router: Leave the field empty

  • Click “save


Local network settings on iOS 14 or higher
Make sure to have your local network settings turned ON.

iPhone -> Settings -> xDelete -> Local network -> ON

iOS 14 and older: With this IP address being set, you will still be able to connect to the internet, even if you are connected to the car via the Ethernet adapter.

iOS 15: These IP settings must be set, otherwise the iOS device will not be able to find the Ethernet adapter.

Connecting with Black MHD ENET Wi-Fi adapter (F-Series & G-Series)


Plug the adapter into your OBD port and connect to the created Wi-Fi called "MHD_xxxx" with the password "MHD_ENET". No further configuration is required. The adapter works with both Apple and Android devices.

Most smartphones prefer Wi-Fi connections to 4G/LTE. Once you connect to the Wi-Fi network created by the MHD ENET Wi-Fi adapter, you can no longer access the Internet, even if the mobile phone is still switched on. Therefore, the initial unlocking of the vehicle requires a special procedure when using the black MHD Wi-Fi adapter:

  • Open the xDelete App: Start with the Internet, i.e. not connected to the Wi-Fi wireless adapter. This only applies to the very first start of xDelete. It's not needed after that.

  • Connect your Wi-Fi adapter to the OBD port and wait 10-20 seconds.
    Then, connect to the Wi-Fi created on your device.

  • Launch xDelete and click the “Connect new car” button at the bottom.

  • When the vehicle is connected for the first time, xDelete will perform the online support check and automatically save its data to your device.

  • Once the vehicle has been saved, you need an active internet connection to redeem a licence. Please switch to your local Wi-Fi or 4G connection and then return to the MHD Wi-Fi!

  • After redeeming your voucher code, you can continue to select your desired xDrive setting and click on „Flash Now".

During the flash, error messages will appear in the car. This is normal. These will be cleared after the flash.

If some fault codes remain after the flash, you can go to “More” in the bottom menu and read and clear the fault codes this way.
Please note that some faults can only be cleared after the car has gone into full sleep. (The ignition is switched off, and the car is locked for at least 20 seconds).

Some fault codes may require the car to be driven for some time before they clear themselves, while others require the car to go into complete sleep.
(Ignition switched off and car locked for at least 20 seconds)

There is no support for E-Series cars with this adapter.

Setup requirements on iOS

IOS only

Go to WiFi settings and select the WiFi adapter, then go into the settings and change the settings to those shown on the right:



  • Click: “Configure IP” - Manual

  • IP address:

  • Subnet Mask:

  • Router: Leave the field empty

  • Click “save

Local network settings on iOS 14 or higher
Make sure to have your local network settings turned ON.

iPhone -> Settings -> xDelete -> Local network -> ON

iOS 14 and earlier: You can set the Wi-Fi to remain connected to the internet, even if you are connected to the Wi-Fi adapter.

iOS 15 and later: These IP settings have to be set, otherwise the iOS device will not find the Wi-Fi adapter.

Connection via MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter (E-, F- & G-series)


xDelete also supports the new MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter. Simply plug the adapter into your OBD port and connect to the correct Wi-Fi. Based on the detected protocol, the Wi-Fi SSID will be one of the following

  • E-series only this Wifi - MHD CAN XXXX

  • F-series only this Wifi - MHD ENET XXXX

  • G-series only this Wifi - MHD CAN XXXX

No further configuration is required. The adapter will work with all listed devices.

The MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter supports E-, F- and G-series cars.

Most Android devices prefer Wi-Fi connections to 4G/LTE. Once you connect to the Wi-Fi network created by the MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter, you can no longer access the Internet, even if the mobile phone is still switched on. Therefore, a special procedure is required to unlock the vehicle for the first time:

  • Open the xDelete App: Start with the Internet, i.e. not connected to the Wi-Fi wireless adapter. This only applies to the very first start of xDelete. It's not needed after that.

  • Connect your Wi-Fi adapter to the OBD port and wait 10-20 seconds.
    Then, connect to the Wi-Fi created on your device. See above which one to choose.

  • Launch xDelete and click the “Connect new car” button at the bottom.

  • When the vehicle is connected for the first time, xDelete will perform the online support check and automatically save its data to your device.

  • Once the vehicle has been saved, you need an active internet connection to redeem a licence. Please switch to your local Wi-Fi or 4G connection and then return to the MHD Wi-Fi!

  • After redeeming your voucher code, you can continue to select your desired xDrive setting and click on „Flash Now".

During the flash, error messages will appear in the car. This is normal. These will be cleared after the flash.

If some fault codes remain after the flash, you can go to “More” in the bottom menu and read and clear the fault codes this way.
Please note that some faults can only be cleared after the car has gone into full sleep. (The ignition is switched off, and the car is locked for at least 20 seconds).

Read more about the MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter here.

Local network settings on iOS 14 or higher
Make sure to have your local network settings turned ON.

iPhone -> Settings -> xHP Flashtool -> local network -> ON

Ensure that only one device (phone/tablet/laptop) is connected to the Wi-Fi adapter at a time.
Multiple devices connected to the same static IP will cause network conflicts.

This may cause your device to appear to be correctly connected to the Wi-Fi adapter, even though your car may not appear in the app or you may not be able to flash.

How to Update the MHD UNI Adapter

You may need to update the firmware on your MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter to support xDelete.

Here is the official guide on how to update the MHD UNI adapter firmware:

  1. Install the MHD F/G app (must be F/G even if your car is E-series)

  2. Login/register to your MHD account

  3. In the main menu, press Get Support Files.

  4. Without closing the app, connect to the adapter's WIFI

  5. Click on “Codes” at the bottom right corner

  6. Click “Read DEM fault codes”

  7. The adapter will be updated

  8. Wait 30 seconds, unplug and reconnect the adapter


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