xDelete - Licenses

xDelete - Licenses

Enduser Licenses

xDelete Licenses can be bought at https://www.xautomotive.com/products/xdelete. After purchasing your License, you will receive a personal voucher code to your email inbox, which can be used to unlock flashing for your car inside the App. Licensing is done per car, but you can manage unlimited cars with one Login. On first login to xDelete, you need to create a user account. All vehicles and licenses will be saved online and can be used cross- platform. You can access them on any device with your user account, being it an iOS or Android one.
The xDelete license cannot be forwarded to other users under any circumstances, but we do forward them one-time to another vehicle of yourself in certain cases. Please read our FAQ for more information.

To redeem a voucher code, your car already has to be saved on the device!

xDelete licenses are non-user-transferable, non-refundable items!

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