These points are specific for xHP Pro dealers
Content Guidelines for Dealers
Dealers are allowed to use the xHP Logo and content published across our various social media channels, for their own purpose. In respect to other dealers and for a fair competition, please follow these simple guidelines:
Users must be able to easily distinguish between a Dealer – Page and our own xHP Flashtool Page. This is true for ANY social media platform and/or website.
Usage of the xHP Logo as Profile-Picture is not allowed.
Usage of the xHP Logo or xHP content as main picture on top of your Facebook Page
is not allowed
Wordings like “xHP <<my_country, region etc.>>” or similar as names for Social
Media pages are not allowed
Re-Posts of our social media content must be clearly recognizeable as re-post! Do not
copy/share without your own comment and message.
Reserving domains using “xhp”, “xhp-flashtool” or similar wordings is strictly
forbidden. Examples of unwanted domains are “”, “xhp-”, “” Dealers registering such domains will be banned immediately and without prior warning.
Please report any infringement of those rules to
xHP Backend for Dealers
The backend serves as the central hub for downloading and managing your xHP Pro account and is reachable under
Registration/First Steps
After login, you will be greeted by the xHP Dashboard. The Dashboard is an overview of your xHP customers and their vehicles. From here you can also edit customer names, vehicle plates and bring up your invoices. The backend will create one invoice per vehicle.After login, you will be greeted by the xHP Dashboard. The Dashboard is an overview of your xHP customers and their vehicles. From here you can also edit customer names, vehicle plates and bring up your invoices. The backend will create one invoice per vehicle.