If you want to search offline, please select your vehicle from the drop-down boxes below or enter your type code to search our database. The type code is the 4th to 7th digit of your vehicle's VIN!
If you don't see your car there, it's not supported yet. If your car is supported, the app will show you the details of your car, and you can browse through the features of each level for your car!Alternatively, you can use the "Check Support" feature on our home page https://www.xautomotive.com/pages/supported-cars. We do our best to keep this list as accurate and up-to-date as possible. However, BMW has regularly changed TCUs during the production lifecycle, and there may be cases where your vehicle is on the list but not supported. These cases are rare but cannot be 100% avoided.
If you are unsure, don't hesitate to get in touch with us by email at support@rbttuning support@xautomotive.com or on Facebook.
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